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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Founder

You launched a startup, secured funding, and hired a team. To the outside world, you’re living the entrepreneurial dream. But internally, you can’t shake the feeling you’re just posing as a founder, and only a matter of time before the world discovers you’re a fraud.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Founder
Alieu Jagne

Alieu Jagne

November 3, 2023
18 Min

This phenomenon is called imposter syndrome, and it plagues even the most accomplished entrepreneurs. Thankfully there are proven strategies to combat the fraudulent mindset:

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome causes high achievers to believe their accomplishments stemmed from luck, not genuine ability. They live in fear that others will expose them as frauds and don't belong.

Despite external proof of competence, imposters feel underqualified internally and minimize their skills. They also set impossibly high expectations reinforced by perfectionism.

Person looking in mirror and seeing failure

This toxic mental pattern leads to overcompensating behaviors to keep up perceived facades of success - like overworking, reluctance to ask for help, or micromanaging excessively. Left unchecked, imposter syndrome becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of anxiety and dissatisfaction.

Common Causes

Imposter syndrome often develops from various subtle factors:

  • Childhood messaging that innate talent outweighs effort
  • Subtle discrimination causes minorities to question belonging
  • Judging self-worth on achievement leads to fear of failure
  • Environments with constant comparison and competition
  • Personality traits like introversion, neuroticism, perfectionism

The causes are complicated, but the solutions start simply with awareness.

Tactics to Overcome Imposter Thoughts

If you wrestle with fraudulent inner voices, try these proven methods to reverse negative thinking:

Reframe Praise as Affirmation - Note instances when others praise your work and resist diminishing it. Let sincere kudos reinforce your competence, not just your deceptive skills.

Accept the Learning Curve - Remember all skills take time and practice to develop. You’re exactly where you should be on your journey.

Acknowledge Effort, Not Just Achievements - Note the hard work, not just accolades. Success comes through perseverance.

Recall Past Successes - Keep an ongoing list of accomplishments and wins, big and small. Refer back to remember you can achieve things.

Find Your Flavor of Confidence - Boost confidence through activities you feel proud of like mentoring, writing, or painting. Let genuine confidence displace imposter notions.

Reframe Anxiety as Excitement - Don’t let anxiety trick you into quitting. Reframe it as excitement to fuel your motivation.

Cultivate a Success Mindset

Founders can also take proactive steps to prevent imposter syndrome from developing:

Set Process Goals, Not Just Outcome Goals - Base self-worth on effort invested, not arbitrary external benchmarks. Celebrate progress in behaviors, not just major milestones.

Practice Positive Self-Talk - Notice and correct critical inner voice patterns. Ask “Would I speak this way to others?” Channel positivity inward too.

Find Your Flavor of Grit - Develop mental toughness practices like mindfulness, journaling, or physical training that build resilience against fraudulent thoughts during hard times.

Limit Toxic Social Comparison - Reduce consuming feeds or media triggering comparison. Stay focused on your own growth.

Know Your Worth, Not Just Skill - You are more than capabilities. Connect with valued parts of life beyond professional skills like relationships, hobbies, or volunteering.

Remember, the imposter syndrome voice does not reflect reality. You do belong here. Trust you’ll grow into challenges. And know your worth transcends your work. Go boldly forward as the entrepreneur you aspire to be!

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